June 3 Annual TMC Meeting recording

Join us in the Reading Room on Monday June 3 at 1:00 p.m. where we will be streaming in live, the annual meeting of The Mother Church, titled:

“. . . that we may be able . . .”

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Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
—II Corinthians 1:3, 4

Let the Bible and the Christian Science textbook preach the gospel which heals the sick and enlightens the people’s sense of Christian Science. This ministry, reaching the physical, moral, and spiritual needs of humanity, will, in the name of Almighty God, speak the truth that to-day, as in olden time, is found able to heal both sin and disease.
—Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 147

May 26 Vero Beach 100-year Faith & Family Fun Daty

Join us for the Vero Beach Centennial Celebration at the Riverside Theater on Sunday, May 26 from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

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Come celebrate faith in our community with friends and family. There’ll be lots of kid-friendly activities, like games & puzzles, bounce-house slides, story time with “I Go With God” (& free books to take home), food trucks, and lots more.

May 14 Share your Prayer: The 10 Commandments

Join us in the Reading Room on Tuesday May 14 @ 11 a.m. to share your insight and revelation gained from your study of this month’s topic: The 10 Commandments.

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Here’s a few resources to get your study started:

May 11: The Law of Harmony & Christian Science Healing

Sat. May 11 @ 11 a.m. - In conjunction with this month’s prayer topic: The 10 Commandments, we will be streaming in Josh Niles’ talk: The Law of Harmony & Christian Science Healing.

Bring your bag lunch to break bread and discuss the topics after the talk.

Josh is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing from Boise, Idaho. In this talk, he tells about how harmony is actually a constant and consistent law of God and how Mary Baker Eddy's discovery of these divine laws, which have been in operation throughout all time, can be brought to bear in any circumstance through holy inspired prayer.

View more amazing, verified healings of physical, emotional, financial problems & more on Prayer that Heals Youtube channel.

WHERE: In the Reading Room @ 1602 23rd St., Vero Beach

WHEN: Saturday. May 11 @ 11 A.M.

WHO: Everyone Welcome, bring your bag lunch

April 20: Infinite Possibilities for Healing

Join us for our monthly free talk on Sat April 20 @ 11 a.m. This month, discover the spiritual laws of health and how to apply them in your life: “Infinite Possibilities for Healing” with speaker, Chet Manchester.

Bring your brown bag lunch so we can break bread afterwards and chat about the topic.

The speaker is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing, and the lecture was sponsored by the Christian Science Churches in Orange County.


WHEN: SAT. APRIL 20 @ 11 A.M.


You can view amazing, verified healings of physical, emotional, financial problems & more on the Prayer That Heals Youtube channel. Prayer that Heals is based on The Bible and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Christian Science religion was founded by Mary Baker Eddy who wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, first published in 1875.

March 30: Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us.

Join us for an online talk on Saturday, March 30th at 11 A.M. in the Christian Science Reading Room.

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Recorded Event

Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us by Melanie Wahlberg

Melanie Wahlberg, Speaker. Frequently, when faced with adversities, it can be easy to feel alone in the struggle or unsupported in the efforts to overcome the difficult circumstances. It would be so reassuring to know how to get through it all! The speaker is practitioner of Christian Science healing. In this talk, she discusses what she has found helpful in her practice of Christian Science healing: the fact that God’s powerful ideas are always with each of us every moment, wiping away fear and showing God’s love and care. We can feel the presence of God’s ideas in tangible ways, ways that change our lives for the better. She shares examples of healing.

Where: 1602 23rd Street, Vero Beach, FL

When: Sat. March 30 @ 11 A.M.

Who: Everyone Welcome—bring your friends

Feb 19 Share your Prayer: Vibrancy of the Reading Room


The Christian Science Reading Room:

A place for everyone to find spiritual inspiration and healing.

Members and attendees are invited to pray about the topic of supply, and come together in the church Reading Room on Tuesday, Feb 19th at 11 a.m. to share their thoughts, insights, and findings on the vibrancy of our Reading Room.

Citations from The Bible to help get you started:

  • II Kings 25:30

  • Luke 15:11-32 (prodigal son)

  • Psalm 23

  • Psalm 91

February 9: A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God

A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God
by Giulia Nesi

  • Ever wonder if there is more to life than what you are experiencing?

  • Have you looked into different spiritual practices and healing methods?

  • Do you need more than to just hear about God?

About Giulia Nesi

Giulia has spent her entire career in the healthcare field. She is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science and former psychotherapist. In her talk, she will explain how experiencing God brings healing to our lives and is possible for anyone, anytime, anywhere. Giulia enjoys talking with people about their spiritual journey and sharing the profound insights contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 

Giulia has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School’s symposium Spirituality & Healing in Medicine, managed a special project established to respond to the growing interest from healthcare professionals in Christian Science, and has lectured widely to both professional healthcare audiences and the general public.